
Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association  |   PDF file


Listen to the Audio From the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Association


 LABI | NORTHPAC Political Action Arm of LABI  |  PDF file
(Louisiana Association of Business and Industry)



“Would be very pleased if you list me as one of your supporters.”
Lee H. Ayres

“Great news Judge! Amy and I would be honored to be listed as supporters of your candidacy.”
Eron J. Brainard

“You certainly can name me as a supporter. This is good news!”
Laura Peterson Butler

“Yes you have our full support.”
Jack and Mikey Carlisle

“I am happy to be listed.”
Scott Chafin, Jr.

“I would be more than happy for your campaign to use my name in support of your candidacy.”
Patrick Cole

“That’s great news. You have our support.”
Justin and Heather Courtney

“Of course you may list me as a supporter of your candidacy. Good luck and God speed.”
Dale Cox

“Definitely count me as a supporter and feel free to list me publicly as such.”
Bill Dykes

“Cole and I are proud to be listed as supporting you!”
Cornell R. Flournoy

“Scott, as always, I will be happy to support and recommend you.”
Peter R. Flowers

“I am pleased to respond and consent to the use of my name as a supporter of your candidacy. Please let us know what else we can do to help in your campaign.”
Bobby S. Gilliam

“I certainly authorize you to list me as a supporter of you and your candidacy. I wish you the best of luck and let us know if we can do anything to help.”
Mark E. Gilliam

“I am with you all the way. You may use my name as endorsing you for the Supreme Court.”
Stephen Glassell

“I’m honored to support your candidacy. Please list me as a supporter.”
James W. Graves

“Proudly yes.”
Kevin W. Hammond

“Scott you have always had my support.”
Donald E. Hathaway, Jr.

“You have my permission to use my name. Good luck and great news.”
Jim Hill

“You certainly have my wholehearted support for your candidacy. Though using my name might not be of any benefit (my brothers would certainly say so), you have my permission to do so. You have been one of the best judges to serve the First Judicial District, and our Supreme Court will be lucky to have you.”
Richard E. Hiller

“Scott, I am pleased to have you use my name. Wish you the best and think you will be a great addition to the Court.”
Thane Huggs

“I know that you will make an outstanding Justice of the Louisiana Supreme Court. I believe that you will serve with distinction. Please list me as a supporter of your candidacy.”
Wellborn Jack, Jr.

“Excellent news Judge-so excited for you and the State of Louisiana-outstanding.”
Patrick Jackson

“Absolutely yes. Caddo’s loss will be the Supreme Court’s gain.”
Marty Johnson

“Scott, I certainly support you and appreciate your fairness, professionalism, and friendship over the years. Congrats!”
Graydon K. Kitchens, III

“Yes! Please include me as one of your supporters! Please let me know what I can do to assist in your campaign. Your service dedication and fairness is admired by so many, my clients and I are so very grateful for those like you who are willing to selfishly serve! I cannot wait to call you Justice Crichton!!!”
Gia Kosmitis

“Without reservation.”
Brian D. Landry

“Judge Crichton has my undying support in his bid for a seat on the Supreme Court (as if anyone had to ask!). Please list me as a supporter. Best wishes for a successful campaign.”
R. Bennett Langford, III

“Great news! You certainly have my authorization to list my name as a supporter.”
Dannye W. Malone

“I would be honored to be listed as one of your supporters.”
Jonathan McCartney

“Yes, definitely include me in the list of supporters. Congratulations on this development!”
Deryl Medlin

“This is good news. I guess it’s too early for congratulations but I’ll send them anyway.”
Jim Mitchell

“I will be happy to be listed as one of your supporters.”
Luther W. Moore

“I would be honored to be listed as someone that supports your candidacy.”
Lance G. Mosley

“It will be my privilege to be listed as a supporter of your candidacy for the Supreme Court.”
William G. Nader

“I am proud to be included as a supporter!”
J. Michael Nash

“You have my full support.”
R. Joseph (Chip) Naus

“Please add my name to Judge Crichton’s list of supporters.”
John C. Nickelson

“Absolutely on all points.”
Gary Parker

“I would be more than happy for you to list me as a supporter. I wish you the best of luck with your campaign.”
Robin G. Perrero

“Great news!!! You are certainly authorized to utilize my name. Best of luck.”
J. Edgerton Pierson, Jr.

“Great news!! You have my unqualified support forward.”
Robert E. Piper, Jr.

“You have my support 100%. You have my consent to use my name.”
Carlos D. Prudhomme

“I would be honored to be on your list as a supporter. Thank you for asking.”
Fred Ratzburg II

Richard R. Ray

“Dear Scott, Bill and I certainly join you in commending Jeff for his service and wish best for he and his family. Include us. And congratulations.”
M. Carl Rice

“I am happy to support your candidacy.”
Herschel Richard

“I am pleased to allow the use of my name on a list of your supporters for Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana.”
Charles R. Scott

“Absolutely put me on the list. Congratulations!”
Claire P. Sharp

“Please make sure that I am listed as your supporter.”
Curtis R. Shelton

“Jeff has been an outstanding judge. I had the pleasure of doing a couple of trials in his court. He will be missed. You have done an outstanding job on the bench. You can count on my support and you can use my name as a supporter. Good luck.”
Brian Smith

“This is to confirm that Sam and I are glad to support your candidacy for the Supreme Court.”
Linda Lea Smith
Eskridge E. Smith. Jr.

“This is terrific news. Thanks for the info. I missed the April 29 fundraiser due to Little League events. I kept the mailer card on my desk as a reminder. Best wishes.”
David A. Szwak

“I certainly commend Justice Victory for his years of dedicated service and wish him the very best in his future endeavors. It would be an honor and a privilege to endorse you for service on the Supreme Court.”
David R. Taggart, Esq.

“You’ve got my vote and support.”
Kim Purdy Thomas

“I authorize the use of my name as a supporter of your candidacy. If I can do anything to insure your election, please let me know.”
G. Warren Thornell

“Congratulations! We will miss you on the District Court bench, but you will be a great Justice! Absolutely, I am a supporter.”
David Turansky

“Excellent and yes, it is okay to use my name indicating that I am a supporter of your candidacy.”
Jeffrey W. Weiss

“Please list Bray Williams, Joseph Payne Williams, Sr. and Joseph Payne Williams, Jr. as supporters of your candidacy (unless you think it would hurt you, then just list my brother Payne and Dad, Joe Payne!)”
Bray Williams

“Count me in Judge.”
Craig L. Williams

“You know you have my family’s support!”
Geya Williams

“I am delighted and honored to wholeheartedly support your candidacy.”
John Wilson